High quality samples and precisely retrieved data are the basis for a good research outcome. This starts already in the proposal phase with a most accurate assessment possible of the practical implementation, to avoid unpleasant (financial) surprises. If you do not have sufficient experience, it is difficult to do so.
We want to support you with our expertise already before you have started your project, in order to create you the best conditions for a successful research. Possible topics are,
Planning a scientific expedition is very complex and time-consuming. Campaigns related to diving activities require an even more intensive and precise plan, due to increased accident risks, special permissions and because problem solving underwater is a way more difficult!
As professional divers and scientists with according background and experiences we take over the complete planning/coordination. So that nothing stands in the way of a successful expedition and you can fully focus on your research.
This includes the following points:
A good plan is important, but without professional guidance, it remains theory. It is often difficult to find suitable staff. Especially if you are not from the field yourself, you lack the contacts and/or the knowledge according to which criteria people should be selected.
No problem for us, we find you the best fitting team adapted to your project. To ensure a secure expedition with reliable and high quality results.
Not only because the expedition is over and the necessary "materials" are available, it means that the work is done. There is also a lot of work to be done afterwards.
To enable you to publish your research successfully in a paper, we will put together a package of detailed documentation of our work on site and the data collected. The samples will be sent to the location agreed with you.
If you have questions or want more information, please contact.